Navigate career (simply)

Navigating career is a tough subject to address: you need to have a clear picture of where you are, where you are willing to go, what is possible, what is not, etc...

At Kbrw, we have built an extensive Career Path framework for our talents to help them navigate and work on self-development. This framework also serves as a skeleton for our compensation policy.

If you are curious, don’t hesitate to consult our Career Paths sample or visit the section dedicated to our compensation framework.

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How people get paid at Kbrw?

Career Paths Sample External.pdf

Reach your career goals

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Hit goals

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Choose your path

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Set up your speed

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Keep on track with your manager

Hit goals and increase your scope of responsibilities

At Kbrw, job families (what you do) and level of responsibilities (what are the expected results) are precisely detailed by our career framework so you know exactly how to move from point A to point B.

Regular trainings and mentors help you increase your skills so you can learn fast. At Kbrw, you will be given the opportunity to increase your scope of responsibilities fast.

Choose your path

Be a manager, or not to be: that is the question, right? As an Engineering company, we value people willing to go to the management track as much as we value individual contributors who want to build their expertise.

At Kbrw, you won’t never get slowed down because you prefer one path rather than another: feel free to choose one.

Set up your speed

Not everyone wants to go fast in his/her career, or not always. You will be probably working several decades, you also have personal challenges you want to address, and that is totally OK. At Kbrw, there is not “go up or go out”. Set up your speed, focus on what is really important.

No matter if you want to go fast, or slow, we got your back.

Keep on track with your manager

At Kbrw, managers follow up on their team at least monthly to discuss performance and development issues. Every manager is extensively trained, including on topics such as psychology and ethics, so they can accompany people the right way.